Monday, April 20, 2009

fuckin bus driver!!

Hi everybody.
I know the last class we talk about not to write a comment in the Saturday morning, but I forget all about my english class in this vacations and the first week at school.

I wanna talk about a recently accident that I had the last Thursday: As some of you know I am working in my professional project in the Anahuac University (the one which is at the south of Mexico city) and the last Thursday I went there by bus thinking that if I went by car I was going to arrive later than if I went by bus due to Barack Obama and Reforma avenue and Conscripto avenue could be closed.

When I came back to my home I pay to the driver of the bus with a two hundred note because I got no one else, He said He will give me the rest later so I wait at the end of the trip to go for my change and when I told him, He said He had given the change to me but He never do it and He started to say He can not give me the change again so, He just give me back a hundred and He stole me the rest.

I hope You never have an experience like this one because it is very difficult to deal with a bus driver about money.

See you later

1 comment:

Mr. Ruben said...

I don't know what is worse: that which happened to you, or that you had forgotten to ask for your change back (been there, done that). At least you have someone to blame.