This time I'd like to tell you about one of my favourite cartoons: Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. This is an american animated series created and produced at Cartoon Network Studios. In this unreal universe, imaginary friends become physical from the instant a child imagines them; with specific emotions and details. Pitifully, the children eventually outgrow them around ages 7-8 and friends are left to survive for themselves.
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends was founded by the elderly Madame Foster to provide a foster home for abandoned imaginary friends.
My favourite character from Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends is Cheese. He is a yellowish imaginary friend created by Louise (Mac's neighbor). He's got red eyes and he smells of cheese =D
Cheese is such a madcap guy who used to say incoherent phrases, bend his head until almost break his neck and scream a lot. Cheese likes video games, fishy crackers (goldfish crackers), candies, cereal and chocolate milk, although he is lactose-intolerant. He hates cakes, spiders and spoons. Once Bloo confused him for an alien he saw in a horror film. :P
SiMpLy... I lOvE hIm!!!
Ohh... Thanks for your last comments and your links, they were pretty helpful :D
I also love that show. I think it's one of my favorite cartoons. I don't watch TV much, though. But I have a 15 cm Mac magneto at work, watching over my computer.
Hey I like that cartoon too. It's really cute to watch all the imaginary friends. however something I don´t like is that blue is so selfish and rude too. I don´t have a favourite imaginary friend but maybe "La Duquesa",, jaja I was kidding...
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